I must confess that I am being a copycat with this blog. My gardening friend Connie had an assignment from a gardening photographer who challenged his constituency to take pictures of their gardens from a window. Many of my windows don't open, and those that do have a stack of wood in front of them. So, I took a couple pictures through the sun room windows.
Then I walked outside to take a picture from the street. Below you can see the flower garden which I created after my first visit to Connie's garden. She was the inspiration for my finally growing flowers. My husband is not real happy with it, but he tolerates my gardening schemes.
Hollyhocks live in the cages at the back, Moonbeam Coreopsis inhabit the middle along with one Michaelmas Daisy where the birds can bathe in privacy. And along the front there will be Zinnias and Petunias. Other favorite flowers are there too, just not obvious yet.