Here is the picture deleted from the last post accidentally.
And, since there is room for more, this last Lupin is featured beneath the cherry tree also, next to the Feverfew.
Below is the 'Watercolor' variety of Nadia Macedonica. I've looked unsuccessfully for the correct spelling of the name of this plant, so you'll just have to contend with my ignorance.
And, last, this Hardy Geranium is hanging on to the last vesitges of its blooms after being deadheaded last week. Now, you've had the entire "NOT a Garden Tour".
I'm off to the country kitchen out at the ranch where we women are rustling up the grub for the men putting up hay. Today's menu is chicken, potato salad, watermelon and cookies. Tomorrow's will be pulled beef BBQ sandwiches, slaw, watermelon and banana bread. We love this slice of life sandwiched between the 4th of July parades and the fireworks.
I don't recognize that flower either, but it IS pretty.
The spelling is Knautia, with a silent k, you KNow? :-)
You will probably see my grandkiddies today at the ranch. I sure enjoyed loving on them for a few days!
I think your mystery plant may be Purple Clustered Bellflower (Campanula glomerata). I saw it on another gardeners blog. I will try to send you the link so you can compare it.
Ding, ding, ding; we have a winner! I think you are correct. Isn't it wonderful how God works in the small details of even a blog????? Oh, my, I love it. Thank you, Connie.
I love it when the women get together and feed the men. It makes me feel Amish or maybe like Ma from Little House on the Prairie. Your flowers are beautiful!
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