Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pittsburg Landing Date, Part 4 (The Ranch)

There used to be a working ranch along the river, and we poked around looking at all the fascinating parts. This is the solar weather station. We thought perhaps the Forest Service used the ranch and would need weather data.
The chicken house was in disrepair, for sure, and I won't publish the picture of the tiny 'solar' outhouse. It was merely a tiny outhouse with clear, hard plastic roof!

The house has been used recently with mugs still hanging in the kitchen. We peered into windows to see bunks set up in two rooms. You can see the above-ground rock cellar at the back right of the house. It was a beauty!

The pond close to the corrals was so still I did not see that it was water and missed a picture of the coot floating about when we first arrived.

My sister Barb and I used to enjoy the frivolous occupation of imagining we live in places like this. I began speaking to my husband about how romantic it would be to live here; he pointed out the realities. This frivolous occupation is more fun with a sister who understands you will never really take up such a living; I think this kind of imagining frightened my husband! You have to admit going out daily from the little house could only bring more awe and reverence for God in such a scenic setting.


Anonymous said...

I've so enjoyed these PL posts, especially this last one. I also used to dream of living in a place like that! And then my dream came true, and it was a wonderful 5 years with my sweetheart in a one room cabin, using an outhouse, being 'off the grid,' and no hot running water. But I also realized why people have invented modern conveniences, and must admit that it didn't take long at all to get used to a big home, a good well, power, and three bathrooms! I'll always treasure the memories of those cozy cabin days.
A very good book about the ranches along the Snake River is "Home Below Hell's Canyon" by Grace Jordan. Easy, delightful read.

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

I think Jay is way to practical to think about "romantic living"! You know him so well.

Beautiful. My mother would just love this place.

Connie said...

The photo of the reflection on the pond is so pretty! I would imagine it could get a little lonely living in this remote place.
I think most menfolk do not possess the ability to just dream and imagine, as us ladies do. They are missing out on the fun, no?

Catherine said...

I've ordered the book from the library, Rachel. Thanks for the encouragement!