Monday, February 22, 2010

Not Forget the Poor!

We are called by God to remember the poor. Many scriptures support this in the Old Testament and the New. We are being taught out of Jeremiah by our pastor for the next several months, and I am studying the book of Daniel in my weekly Bible study with Beth Moore. In each of these OT books the Lord reminds us to regard the poor with love. In the book of Daniel, Chapter 4, King Nebuchadnezzar, is warned by Daniel to show mercy to the poor before the LORD deals harshly with him. The king disregards the warning, “resting in his house and flourishing, prospering”. A year later the king is disciplined by God, as he was sent to live with the beasts of the field for seven years. In the New Testament book of Luke in Chapter 16 a rich man feels good about himself because he lets a beggar take the crumbs from his table. The rich man ends up in Hades asking for a drink of water which will not be given to him.
I’ve wondered if we sacrifice enough for the poor…or if we think the mere crumbs from our tables are enough when we send a few dollars to help the poor, the orphans. I’ve been pressed to sacrifice; have you?
The poorest country in the western hemisphere is Haiti. I know that many of us have struggled with how to help the Haitian victims of the January earthquake. We wonder to whom we can safely send money that we may be helpful to the poorest of the poor.
I support an orphanage in Haiti which is run by two older Americans. Don and Doris have been there since the 1970’s. The following is part of the post-earthquake newsletter telling of their needs. I encourage anyone wanting to bring mercy to the poor, to help the victims of the devastating earthquake, to pray about whether God is asking you to give to Haiti. This is a reputable and financially accountable orphanage. They will be inundated with new orphans, with medical needs, and with providing food and shelter to those who show up after having left Port au Prince to find a place to meet their needs. As the rainy season begins and the refugees find themselves without loved ones who died, without their homes, without their children or parents Ebenezer Glenn Orphanage will pick up the pieces.
Quote from the Ebenezer Glenn Orphanage Newsletter:
“The relief effort is just beginning! People in desperate need are pouring out of Port-au-Prince and many thousands have made their way to Dessalines-many of those have come to our clinic as all the hospitals are overflowing. Since we are having these logistical issues getting supplies to them, cash donations are a more immediate need. Donations may be sent to: EGO, 3572 Quebec Trail, Wayland MI 49348.
The logistical issues they speak of in the quote are the fact that money can’t reach the orphanage right now unless it is hand-carried. This may have changed by the time you read these words. Two containers of supplies headed to the orphanage before the quake may not reach the orphanage now because the government is requiring a $10,000 fee to get them out of customs! Please pray for strength for Don and Doris, as the long days and increasing demands take a physical and emotional toll on all the adults helping at the orphanage.
You can visit the orphanage on the web at: and frequent updates are being made to their blog as well, at:
I pray the LORD will lead you, and I pray that you will follow.

1 comment:

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

Thank you for sharing this need. I plan to give some next paycheck. Thank you also for providing the address.

Such desperation breaks my heart. So many needs...