Okay, one more tomato has passed all the tests here. You can tell by my measuring 'stick' how big it is, almost disguising itself as one of those tasty Brandywines.......almost.
Its size and flavor live up to its name:
Super Maarmalade!
The 'Piece de Resistance':
Green Tomato Pie
(my favorite, next to rhubarb custard)
Mix together:
1 1/3 cup sugar
6 2/3 T flour
1 t salt
1/1/3 t cinnamon or nutmeg
4 cups sliced green tomatoes
1 T vinegar
1/1/3 t lemon zest
Let sit while you make the crust of your choice. I always make a whole wheat crust because we don't do white flour any more. Place the filling into the botton crust, add 1 1/3 T butter in pieces on top.
Bake at 425 for 50-60 minutes.
Since I have only 10 inch pie pans I increase everything a little to adjust for a larger pie. You know how to do that, I'm sure.
I felt like the Queen of the Kitchen yesterday. And my DH, who has rules for what he eats (exotic? never eaten it before? "No thank you!"). could not stay out of the pie. After lunch I ask brightly, "Did you get enough?" His reply, with a twinkling eye, was "I think I need a few more vegetables." And, away he took himself to cut a big slice of pie. He is so funny! It is very much like Apple Pie, but not.