Tuesday, October 11, 2016


AWOL=Absent WithOut Leave

Actually, God gave me Leave, and now I've been called back!

The LORD is always at work, and sometimes it is abundantly clear when He shows up in NEON colors!  For example, a bit over 2 weeks ago my Dear Husband and I watched a video on a Friday evening, as we are wont to do quite often as a transition from very busy days to a bit of paperwork before bed.

Jay looked very pensive, as he had been for a couple weeks.  It seemed as if he had checked out a bit and was distant, so I had left him alone with his thoughts.  He's a big thinker and doesn't enjoy being prodded about what's going on in his brilliant mind.  However, I felt led to ask what he was thinking about.  That was Friday, September 23, 2016.  The shock of what he told me sent me reeling, not that God spoke to him, but what God told him to do.  He said, "I think God wants us to move to Orcas Island."

Orcas Island is where his oldest daughter lives and she needs help with her two children...teaching them academic subjects as they near high school age...which IS my husband's forte.  He also loves mowing and landscaping, so he could work for his son-in-law at a resort where Steve is the head landscaper.

We discussed the move on Saturday...about selling his ranch and our house here.  We prayed.  On Sunday he called his daughter to tell her we'd made a decision, led by God, to begin the process of moving.  She and her husband went on line and began looking for places for us because the inventory is pretty slim and VERY expensive.  On Monday she called to tell him they discovered a place we could afford.  My Dear Husband sent me on a flight on Wednesday.  I looked at the house on Thursday.  I made an offer on Friday, and we signed via email on Monday evening before I flew back home to Grangeville on Tuesday (a week ago today!).

God gave me a Word, an impression as I got on the plane.  I love how God 'orchestrates' events and relationships.  Often I mention this as I tell people what's going on in my life.  He impressed upon me a straight line from me (on the plane) to this place we are buying.  So I was at complete peace when the realtor told us she was showing the same house to others who were making an offer.  But the straight-line visions kept me at peace.  He 'Orcas Straighted' the offer and purchase!

Anyway, when I came home we began going about the selling of our home.  Levi and Klarey have often told us that they would love to have our house if we ever sold.  They came to look at all the nooks and crannies of this old house.  They made an offer which we accepted on Sunday.

Isn't God magnificent?  Of course He is all the time, and I love it when He shows up in NEON colors like this for us!  My husband is NOT a mover.  He has lived in this house for 30 years and in this town for most of his 68 years.  Only God could say, "MOVE!" and expect Jay to obey.

Although I've had a longing to live closer to my children, I will be just as far away.  But, because Jay will be near his family, I can travel to mine more often and for longer periods.  The LORD has blessed me and I can still say, "The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, surely I have a goodly inheritance."

1 comment:

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

Thank you for sharing your story. I can't wait to see what he has in store for you. I pray God blesses jay for his obedience and yours for your patience and waiting on the Lord. Love you!